If you’re trying to assemble a cottagecore winter wardrobe but you’re having a really hard time visualizing that thin fabric spring time cottagecore fashion for a cold climate then let me give you my cottagecore winter wardrobe wishlist~
Also just want to throw this in there but this is also the perfect christmas gift list if you have a special cottagecore aesthetic enthusiast in your life~ *Me just subtly dropping a hint to my mom and sisters and hubby to buy me this~*

I like switch out the thinner fabric dresses and skirts for thicker fabric suspender dresses paired with ruffle victorian shirts ~
My personal style of cottagecore when it comes to winter is I like to stick to a some what cookie color palette and I know that’s weird to say but I want the clothes that I wear for winter to feel cozy and cute like a yummy ginger bread cookie or those sugar cookies that you decorate with little deep red hot tamale candies~
So to better put an image to what I’m saying….since I’m slowly becoming aware that I might not be saying something that a sane person would say to describe their outfit, here is a lookbook of my Cottagecore Winter Outfit Wishlist I found from Bercini Fashion Etsy Store!
If you’d like to follow along with me in my journey exploring this magical and calming world of Cottagecore and Mori Kei then make sure to subscribe to my site or follow me on TikTok~
It’s okay if your Cottagecore style doesn’t fit what others classify as cottagecore, if it lines up with you and your own personal perspective of cottagecore then that’s all that matters~